Scale Your Business

& Grow Your Network.

Join a mentorship and community environment built for 6 figure + entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their network and grow their businesses exponentially.

Fraternity Members Grow, Scale & Succeed.











Simply put, I’ve made millions of dollars through various companies + trained thousands of people around the world how to master the art of sales.



I founded Cardiff, America’s largest, privately held small business lender. I’ve successfully consulted & helped hundreds of companies over the last 20 years, scale.


Scale Your Business

& Grow Your Network.

Marketing &


Acquiring leads, customers, and clients is easier when you use winning frameworks that have stood the test of time. Don't guess just install our strategies.

Sales Strategies

Unless you sell software there is a good chance you need to interface with leads to close sales. Close more sales using our world-class strategies instead of losing opportunities.

Lead Gen &

Media Buying

Leads and brand awareness are the lifeblood of your business. Don't have a consistent stream of leads ready to do business with you? Let strategies and network solve this once and for all.


Your company and brand could exponentially grow even with just one podcast. If you are interested in learning how to build a podcast or just attending ours for instant exposure we got you covered.



Building a sellable business allows you to potentially exit for a huge multiple. Structure your business the right way so you don't lose out on a future exit opportunity.



Your business is your cash cow. What you do with the money you earn can have a dramatic impact though on your future portfolio. Learn what we do to build our wealth to achieve long-term growth and security.

Working towards one single goal:

growing your business.

Working towards one single goal: growing your business.

Interesting insights from the

desk of William Stern.

Interesting insights from the desk of William Stern.

Why A Business Mastermind May Not Want YOU As A Member

You Can’t Close Customers If Don’t Understand These Five Psychological Effects


Results that speak for


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.”

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.”


Apply to be a part of

The Fraternity today.

Many will apply, few will qualify.


Apply to be a part of

The Fraternity today.

Many will apply, few will qualify.

Hear from our members.

Interesting insights from the desk of William Stern.

Being part of The Fraternity has been a significant and impactful experience. It goes beyond typical coaching—it's a supportive network of driven individuals dedicated to personal and professional growth. The program has offered me invaluable insights and strategies that have truly elevated my approach to business and mindset.

The focus on mindset development has been the most transformative for me. It's not just about business tactics; it's about cultivating a resilient and growth-oriented mindset that applies to all areas of life. Additionally, the personal branding guidance has been instrumental in refining how I present myself and connect with my audience effectively.

What sets The Fraternity apart is the direct involvement of the founders—experienced business leaders who bring real-world insights and a genuine commitment to our success. Their practical advice and accountability have been invaluable, making The Fraternity a place where continuous learning and improvement are not just encouraged but expected.

- Daniel D.

The one-on-one coaching with a focus on solving problems that are specific to my situation has been life-changing!

The small, internal deal-making economy has had a great impact on my life and my business as well.

Marcin R.

If you join just for the hyper-specific insights into scaling and growing a business and the 1 hour 1:1 it will be well worth it!

- Misha M.

Follow Brad & William

on instagram

Whether you join The Fraternity or not, we would love to serve you daily, valuable and intentional content on Instagram. Click below to follow us.


How do I know this coaching program will aid me in MY business…

The topics and themes we go over on the weekly calls inside The Fraternity can be applied to ANY business, no matter what you do. Marketing, sales, lead gen, hiring & firing, scaling, structuring your business for an exit down the line - all of it is related to all businesses.

How often do the coaching calls (zooms) happen?

The Zoom calls will happen every Thursday at 7pm EST. If you cannot make a call, no worries, we record and post ALL recordings within 24 hours of the call happening so you can consume the call on your own time.

What else do I get beyond the weekly coaching calls?

You’ll gain access to the coaching calls every week, on top of:

✅ Access to our members-only community

✅ Coaching call notes and action guides

✅ Access to all call recordings

✅ Ability to chat and ask questions to William and Brad within the private WhatsApp community

✅ Discounted tickets to events we will hold throughout the year

✅ Member only events we will hold throughout the year

Can I ask questions / talk directly to William and Brad?

Yes for sure. You’ll be able to ask questions LIVE on the calls and within the private WhatsApp group where William and Brad will answer your questions. You can also submit your questions ahead of time before calls!

Is there a money back guarantee work?

There is a 60 day money back guarantee, no questions asked.

If you’re not connecting with people inside The Fraternity that are not directly impacting your life and your business within 60 days…


You’re not moving the needle forward in your business (which won’t happen)…


You’re just not happy with the program for whatever reason (which also will 100% NOT happen)…

Just email us and we’re happy to refund your money, no questions asked.

The Fraternity is a life changing environment, and we stand behind that claim with a risk free guarantee.

I’m in! How do I sign up?

Simple, click the button below to APPLY NOW & get started.


Apply to be a part of

The Fraternity today.

Many will apply, few will qualify.

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